Profile: Anita Hughes Dunham and Hughes Stables
In the fall of 2020, Stephanie Ruff, the newly installed editor for The Sound Advocate, the online magazine for the nonprofit organization Friends Of Sound Horses (FOSH) contacted me about doing a profile piece for one of its board members, Anita Hughes Dunham.
I did telephone interviews with both Anita and fellow FOSH board member Alece Ellis, who provided a Walking Horse judge’s perspective, and that of a longtime friend.
In addition to writing the 1300-word piece, I gathered photos, credit info, and copyright permissions for all images and submitted all to Stephanie.
Click on the link read the entire piece.
Hughes Stables FOSH 12 2020 Janet de Acevedo Macdonald
The mission of FOSH, Friends of Sound Horses, Inc:
To promote all “sound,” naturally gaited horses, with a specific emphasis on Tennessee Walking Horses.
(“Sound” means not “sored”)
Importance is placed on education regarding the humane care, training, and treatment of all gaited horses for their emotional, mental, and physical well-being. FOSH will only support flat shod or barefoot horses, and will never endorse any event that uses stacks and/or chains as action devices, nor any mechanical, chemical, or artificial means to modify the natural gaits of the horse.
- Educating people on sound training principles
- Supporting sound shows, events & activities
- Working to end soring